ProTEQ Firearms Academy


We started excavation on the Combat Arts Range (C.A.R.) in late 2011.  It was initially used for CAS match events, but soon evolved to a Performance Center Concept where Classes were taught and abilities honed in Defensive Skills.   7 berm excavations are cut into a Shaded Hillside along a Level walking path at the valleys North edge.   These berms provide variable scenario capabilities that can be modified to fit complex training scenarios.  A 48 car parking lot is located 50 yards to the East, another parking lot is being added to the West.    Reinforced Rail Road Ties line the sides of several berms.  In 2017 a wide array of steel reactive targets were purchased. 
WEST VALLEY - Standard Membership - 200 Yards West of the Office
The Law Enforcement / Military Range (LE/M) was opened in 2004.     It provides a 10-lane, Roofed covered (added 2015) 3 to 15 yard PISTOL ONLY area that can stretch to over 30 yards providing Agency Qualification needs.  Action shooting props are available for CQB training.  Several Local, State, and Federal Agency's and/or their individual members utilize the LE/M for official training and casual practice.  The LE/M was originally built for LE & Military personnel, but is now available for Premium ProTEQ Patrons who purchase permission to access the South Valley (Premium Range). 
The West Valley (Main Range) has been in use for over 50 years.  It provides ProTEQ Patrons an excellent, low cost, facility for Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun practice.  The range extends from 7 to 200 yards.   Target backboards are erected in front of the various backstops.   A roof covered concrete bench provides solid sight in capability.   Many useful shooting supplies are present in and around the work bench.   Heavy White Paper and target drawing supplies along with staplers are provided for your convenience.   Several clay pigeon throwers are present on the shotgun field.   Tarps, tools, and several other amenities are on sight.    READ and OBEY the... Rules Page insure you may continue the Privilege of shooting at ProTEQ. 
The Private Training Range (PTR) (Office Valley) is located directly behind the Basement Office. The PTR was first fired opened in the early 70's and currently is used for Private Handgun Training.  It has an array of reactive and stationary targets.  Maximum distance is 100 yards, but general use is in the 3 to 15 yard configuration.  The PTR is restricted to invitation only (usually a ProTEQ taught Class) and is not commonly available for ProTEQ Patrons to utilize.  Contact us about receiving instruction in the safe, accurate, responsible, and effective use of various firearms.  Our ProTEQ Staff has been training men, women, and children of all ages since the 60’s.  We have the experience, knowledge, and teaching tools to provide the Best in the Midwest.  Get more details about our classes, their dates, and the ProTEQ Master instructors on our... Training Page.  ​  Check us out.

Ranges are generally open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM to SUNSET (or 8:00 PM whichever occurs first).
Time of year, Special events, Range repairs, Construction improvements, or other occurrences can affect these hours of operation, 
so ALWAYS check our Facebook, You Tube ... HOME CALENDAR....Pages for current updates!
ALL persons present upon ProTEQ Property must be accurately documented;
1. By completing the 365 day ProTEQ RANGE RELEASE and paying the proper FEE,
2. By using a DAILY SHEET line and signing in and out upon every visit, &
3. By ALWAYS following the RULES.
Read the    Membership , Rules , and RESTRICTIONS , Pages

Click on the Pictures
The 22/4U - (Rim Fire Only Range) opened in October of 2012.   It is located in the North East Corner of the South Valley right next to the edge of the parking and directly behind the Brown Metal Training Center.   It provides a wide array of reactive metal & polymer targets similar to a Carnival Shooting Gallery.   Presently it has about 50 separate shooting points that fall, spin, swing, or move in some fashion along with two paper target holders.  Permanent benches and a roof were added in 2022.  

NO CENTER FIRE AMMO OF ANY TYPE IS ALLOWED on the 22/4U.  Violators will be Permanently BANNED!!!  
The Wide Line Rifle Range (WLR) is located in the South Valley between the LE/M and the C.A.R.    It currently offers a mowed field westward shooting arena with paper targets at 25, 50,100, & 150 yards, plus Steel Swinger plates at 150.    It has 6 covered shooting tables built for either right or left hand use.    
An Elevated Archery Range (EAR) is being developed in the Office Valley  (behind the Basement Office).   It will be an ARCHERY ONLY asset.    NO GUNS ALLOWED.   The design will provide the opportunity to practice as if you where in a dear stand.   A Shooting Platform will be very near to ground level, but well above the archery targets distributed down the steep hill side.    This setup will provide ample practice opportunities without the risk of height. The EAR asset will be available to all All fully paid, current year, ProTEQ Patrons.  

Picture coming

Picture coming
SOUTH VALLEY - Premium Membership - 200 yards South of the Office
OFFICE VALLEY - Invitation ONLY - Directly Behind the Office

Picture coming
The Multi-Purpose Range (MPR) also call the 360 is a 60 yard deep by 20 yard wide berm enclosed facility we have designed for advanced training.   It is Pistol, Rifle, & Shotgun capable.  The MPR holds the South Valley Shotgun Range with a mounted Clay pigeon thrower.   This area offers great CQB training opportunities.     You can also rent the MPR for private events.    MPR will soon have a permanent roof, but temporary shade covers can be erected as needed.   Steel Reactive Targets and Paper Target Boards are available in the MPR along with many other shooting assets that can be moved into this berm area.   The MPR is a our most adjustable shooting arena with a wide range of capabilities.    Contact us about the MPR
We will be updating this page several times due to construction improvements and addition of pictures.   Please check back often.....
Last updated 6/28/24
The SCSA Practice Valley is located between the West and South Valleys hidden below the Long Range Bench.  It's a field we never used, but realized was perfect for one special purpose.   That being to contain 7 permanent shooting arenas for the worldwide competition Steel Challenge.  If your an SCSA shooter we are the place you need.  Practice 7 different ways any day of the week without setting up and tearing down the stage(s).    You will soon be able to practice the 8th stage (Outer Limits) by replacing the other moving stage.  Our Dedicated SCSA Practice Valley is a BIG help to you and a serious challenge to your competitors.   Take a look at the stages HERE
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